
Report Attendance

To report an absence, parents can

Parents are required to report their child’s absence each day they are absent from school. Submit absence or late arrival notifications before 10:30 am. APS will send out robocalls to parents of students with an unverified absence after 10:30 am.


Students arriving at school after 9:00 am will be marked tardy. Parents must accompany their child to the Taylor office to sign them in and provide a reason for the late arrival.

Reporting your child absent due to illness

Students experiencing a fever should be fever-free for 24-hours without fever reducing medication prior to returning to school. In addition, students experiencing abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea should also be symptom-free for 24-hours before returning to school. COVD tests are no longer required to return back to school after an illness.

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Mrs. Johnston received the April APS All Star Award

We are all thankful for all the hard work Janis does each day at Taylor.

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Asian Pacific American Month

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